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How To Put Coconut Oil In Your Hair To Stop It From Going Gray Early, Thinning Or Falling Out

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Coconut oil is probably one of the healthiest ingredients on the planet, due to its amazing health properties.

In fact, it’s extremely healthy for your hair, nails, and skin. Therefore this oil is often added to many beauty products, body creams, and sunscreens.

Here are 5 amazing health benefits of using coconut oil on your hair:

  • Repairs Hair Damage:

When it comes to the prevention of hair damage, coconut oil is much beneficial than mineral oil and sunflower oil. Additionally, it helps to reduce protein loss and strengthen the shaft.

To make your hair smooth and silky again, apply coconut oil 15 minutes before washing your hair.

  • Prevents Hair Loss:

Hair loss can occur as a result of various inflammatory skin conditions, nutritional deficiency, and fungal infection.

Luckily, the oil is abundant in healthy fats, which strengthens roots and nourishes the scalp. Additionally, it fights skin infections and overcomes inflammation.

Mix 2 tablespoons of sage oil and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, and cook them over low heat. Then, leave the mixture to cool and apply it on your head before bedtime. Cover with a shower cap, and leave it until the next morning. Then, wash it off.

  • Gray Hair:

Over time the follicles of the hair which provides the hair its color, become less effective.

Therefore, to nourish the scalp, protect the base of the hair follicles and prevent gray hair. You need to massage the hair with lemon and coconut oil for 15 minutes each day.

  • Fights Dandruff:

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition, some of the major causes are dry, irritated skin, fungus, and various other factors.

This amazing oil has moisturizing and antibacterial properties, which makes it a great natural alternative for fighting dryness.

You need to mix equal amounts of castor oil and coconut oil and use the mixture to massage the scalp. Then, leave it to act for 30 minutes, and wash it out. Repeat this method before washing your hair.

  • Kills Lice:

Lice is are a very common problem among young children, luckily the best natural solution is coconut oil.

This oil can be very helpful as it naturally hydrates the skin, instead of irritating it and damaging it like many products on the market.

To use, apply evenly to the hair and leave it to act for several days. To achieve the best results, mix it the oil with a few drops of tea tree oil.



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kiran

    Great article….. thanks for the article

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