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Apply This Baking Soda and Lemon Mask to Your Face and Something Amazing Will Happen

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The most loved ingredient for every housewife is baking soda, which is no doubt. Today, we’ll again prove that this amazing powder is a great benefit to you! Baking soda is fantastic for cleaning your kitchen, cooking, and for beauty and body health.

The recipe we recommend is the most effective mask for your face that you could test! Its main ingredient obviously baking soda!

This amazing face mask will make your skin glow It can help you eliminate acne, blackheads bags under the eye, and dark circles.

The most effective recipe for face masks and recipes:


  • 2 tablespoons baking soda  
  • 2 drops of Tea tree Oil
  • 1/2 lemon squeezed  

Baking soda has amazing properties to this mask. it can exfoliate your skin and help remove dead skin cells as well as any other accumulated dirt on your face.

Tea tree oil is your ideal ally in your fight against acne and pimples. The lemon juice can assist in removing sunspots or pimple marks.


Combine all three ingredients into a blender. Blend them until you have the right consistency. Then, apply it to the face, allow it to work for three mins (the first application), and then for 10 minutes the following week. Repeat the treatment. Make use of cool water to wash it off.

You may also be required to add water to your mask for sensitive skin.


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