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Raw Honey and Cinnamon DIY Cough Drops That Will Save You a Trip to the Doctor’s

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The best way to fight cold symptoms is to prevent them in the first place. However, the winter season also means flu and cold season. In fact, sore throat, sniffling, and coughing are some of the many symptoms that come along with it. The best way to fight these symptoms is to prevent them in the first place.

In order for preventing these symptoms, many people immediately reach towards lozenges. However, they are pretty bad for your health, since they are packed with dangerous chemicals which cause numerous side effects.

Although coughing can be quite irritating, it’s a natural reflex that actually serves a beneficial purpose. Also, coughing protects us against the harmful and even deadly chemicals in our increasingly toxic environment. Additionally, it clears the large passages from microbes, secretions, and foreign particles.

The following natural treatment is extremely delicious and involves ingredients that avoid common risks and enable faster treatment and recovery time. The preparation process of these natural cough drops is extremely easy and will additionally help you to strengthen your immune system.

DIY cough drops recipe that will save you a trip to the doctor’s:


  • 100g raw organic honey
  • 100ml of coconut oil
  • A pinch of Ceylon cinnamon
  • ½ cup raw honey


At first, pour the coconut oil into a bowl and whip it until it becomes nice and frothy. Then slowly add the honey and keep on whipping to get a paste with full and thick consistency. Afterward, add the cinnamon (feel free to add as much as you like according to your personal preference).

Once the mixture is ready, you can pour it into empty ice cube trays and freeze it for half an hour. Pop the cough drops out of the ice cube tray, then store them in a jar in the refrigerator. You can keep the remedy in the fridge for up to two months.

You can also use these cough drops daily as a preventative measure. When taking them dissolve them on your tongue.



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