Are you struggling to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet? You may have a toxic fatty acid that blocks weight loss.
Here's how a simple “Ice Hack” speed up my fat loss and helped me restore my health, watch now.

The liver is a vital organ that performs a variety of functions throughout the body and is at the center of every metabolic process. It filters blood, creates blood clotting enzymes, breaks down fats, and produces energy.
Toxins cause trouble to the liver in a way that is irreparably damaging and has an enormous impact on its functioning. A dysfunctional liver can slow down the process of losing weight as the metabolic process of fats is in a slow manner also.
Regularly cleansing your liver helps to improve the functioning and to stimulate the breakdown of fats within the body. This recipe is among the most effective ways to achieve this. It can help restore the natural powers that your liver has within five days.
Here’s how to prepare the drink that will clean your liver and detox your body:
- 1 cup parsley, chopped
- 5 celery stalks
- 6 cups of water
- 3 lemons
At first, you need to wash the ingredients well. Try to find organic lemons, because you won’t be peeling them. Blend the ingredients until smooth, but leave the water aside. Pour in the water, and blend again. That’s pretty much everything you should do!
For optimal results, drink 2 cups of the remedy before each meal. That would be three times a day. Do this for three days, make a 7-day break, and do it all over again. Stay away from heavy metals, and drink plenty of water to boost the effectiveness of your detox, and promote weight loss.