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Foods To Eat Before Bedtime Without Gaining Weight

Eat Worry – Free Before Bedtime – Foods To Eat Before Bedtime Without Gaining Weight

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Instead, of eating junk food, a sandwich or some chocolate to fill your stomach. You should definitely try some of these pieces of advice before you stress your stomach.

Here are 4 foods to eat before bedtime without gaining weight:

  • Low-calorie cheese

Magnesium found in cheese helps your heart, muscles, and provides a high-quality sleep. You can also combine it with crackers, or double-baked bread. Now, you are ready to have a great night’s sleep.

  • Bowl of Oatmeal

Oatmeal with some milk can be a great snack before bed. Although it is not considered as the most delicious meal in the world, it is undoubtedly the best choice and will surely keep you full. In addition, oatmeal contains carbohydrates, which releases serotonin and help you calm and fall asleep easier.

  • Nuts

They also provide a good source of magnesium, therefore before going to bed, have some almonds walnuts, or peanuts. Always be careful with your portions, do not eat too much.

  • A cup of milk

Consuming milk improves a good night’s sleep tremendously. Due to an amino acid, known as tryptophan.



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